West Byfleet Business Association
5th February 2015
Pauline Hedges, Ron Enticott, Mark Fuller, Stella McMillan, Shani Orchard, John Ashcroft
Missing: John & Christine Morrison; Oliver Lodge, Roland Nevett, Stella McMillan, Shani Orchard,
Juliette Price Noel Richardson, Catherine Richardson, Mark Fuller, Christine Osborne,
Apologies received from: Christine Osborne, Gary Elson, Roland Nevett
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting
Minutes of the meeting held
4th January 2015
Matters Arising – these are covered in the Agenda
Book of Vouchers
No further update
Pyramid Cascade System.
Reported that this was working well, but organized by the local independents. Pauline will chase
Mark Saunders for a further update.
Treasurers Report
Written to bank – Christmas Tree money and has appeared in the account on the 30th December.
Latest January 12th £3,930. £3,100 will be for the Christmas trees.
Pauline has paid her subs. Waterfall Durrant have also just paid. PH paid her electronically and
realized no reference attached. Reminder from Woking Chamber. No invoice, just a statement. This
will be chased. RE will send a cheque £138. If you pay as a business £200 you get to go into their
directory. However, as affiliated members (those of WBBA) this does not happen.
West Byfleet LI: VE 2015
Field is booked. Will appear in all Woking Council literature have a meeting on the 18th to go through
the technical side. Meeting with Fire Chief soon and seeing Gary later today to put in application for
funding up front from the council. West Byfleet Vicar happy to give us the car park for West Byfleet
LIVE use not for the public but staff. Much easier for bands. Parking will be a tight affair so it will be
Loos for doos are booked same price as last year. Ambulance is booked a committee meeting needs
to be organized. Mini fridge being loaned for the milk! Jimmy Beech contacted PH regarding the
event would like to be able to be there on the Sunday as well. Suggest that we can have the Sunday
and if not more big rides and a couple more of small stalls to keep people there. MF asked about the
music license. Have we a plan for the cinema? PH has spoken to the Film Bank and same
arrangements as last year. Two other places to approach for this. Details from Woking Borough
Council and will obtain this on the 18th. MF said it would be good to have the music later on in the
evening. Would be great to go on later than 6.00 pm. Film has to be by the Pavilion if we plan ahead
we could have longer leads. PH showed the plan of the filed. Spoken to Brooklands Museum and
the Rotary with regards a Classic car show. Cars will go about 6.00 pm. . Discussion took place in
respect of the bands/film. SM said had a discussion with Fullers the Brewery regarding a curtain sided
trailer – for the bands. Potentially could link up with the school. Great to keep music going keep
atmosphere going. Would love to keep the bands going longer.
This has already been set in motion. Pauline has been in contact with the council regarding this and
will be submitting an application form for a grant. The dates are Friday 24th July and Saturday 25th
July. The porta loos have been ordered and the cost has not increased.
It is the following weekend to West Byfleet LI:VE (1st August). West Byfleet Social Club is being used
as base for the Surrey Ambassadors.
Mark gave a report on the website: 135 visits, top page was the Bakery. Minutes of February 2014
meeting were popular. Smart Cartridge, Brooklands Jewelers, Phoenix. John Ashcroft admitted to
the hits on the WBBA minutes!! New member for the website – photographer.
Planning Issues
Sheer House
Oliver, Gary and PH met Ray Morgan to talk with him about Sheer House. Went with some far
reaching ideas. Council is aware that whatever happens will affect the whole village. The last
application for the social housing has yet to be looked at by the Borough Council – over Londis. The
original planning permission is offices an objection was placed and withdrawn.
No update available.
Woking Chamber
If anyone is interested in how the council works there is a meeting in the council chamber, Council
Offices on 18th February – an opportunity to see how it works. Independent Retail Group, new
chairman. Franchisee of McDonalds in Chertsey Road. Trying to make a difference to Chertsey
Road. Next meeting, Wednesday 4th March.
AGM – to be held on Tuesday, 31st March, 6.00 pm, in the Committee Room at the Social Club. Light
refreshments will be provided.
AGM must be held no later than 15 months after the previous one so having one in March is well
within that time constraint.
21 days notice needs to be given setting out the resolutions to be proposed
West Byfleet neighborhood drop in on Saturday 10.00-12.30 at Our Lady Helps Our Christians
exhibiting the results of the questionnaire. Business questionnaire is dealt with separately. Noel is
now in Frimley – a bigger branch.
John reported that there is a document being circulated regarding south west trains. No mention of
West Byfleet. Everything is good for WB. The proposal is to have 7 new double decker trains to
increase capacity at rush hour by 50%. Redesigned from European design. A lot of money.
Therefore, they have to get interest from the rest of the country. So overnight Jonathan Lord, Ray
Morgan and Woking News and Mail will have exposure to do this. Cost will eventually go on fares
which is the main concern. About 10 years before production, 15 years before they will start running.
One concern is that one plan was to close Byfleet and New Haw. Usually 2 trains we have 4 Byfleet
and New Haw have so few travellers during the day and it was felt only rush hour trains to stop. In
order to do this you have to speed up trains, digital signaling. New trains will be digital which will not
require drivers. 7 trains will not be enough. Unions will object. With digital the system will change as
the trains will know where they are.
PH had looked at the questionnaire and it was very long. If anything had happened with West Byfleet
Station, will affect house prices and the village itself.
John asked a lot of people to walk around the shops in West Byfleet for the window display – 26 took
part. Wants to use last year and this year as a case history. Only 9 the previous. Academy Windows
were one of the popular ones due to their scary Santa – 5th, 4th Brooklands Jewelers, 3rd Scope, 2nd
Apples and Pears and the winner was Carmel Snow.
Really good photographs and two years’ worth and so we can encourage more interest this year.
Thanks again to Stella for her hospitality
Next month’s meeting – West Byfleet Social Club – 5th March 2015.