Minutes of the Meeting held at Corkers Wine Bar on Thursday September 6th 2012 at 7.30am
Pauline Hedges – Chair
John Ashcroft, Mark Fuller, Christine Morrison, John Morrison, Judith Huygens, Brad Preston, Christine Osborne, Catherine Richardson, Noel Richardson, Rob von Tonder, Ron Enticott, Roland Nevitt, Geoff McManus, Woking BC
1. Welcome and apologies
Pauline welcomed everyone. Apologies had been received from several members. Geoff McManus introduced himself as the Neighbourhood Services Manager at Woking Borough Council with responsibility for parking, street cleaning, trees etc. He asked everyone to email him if they had problems or comments to make on any of those issues. He offered to attend future meetings if invited.
1.Everyone to email Geoff on —————————–
2. Minutes of Meeting August 2nd 2012
3. Matters Arising
All Action Points formed Agenda items apart from the following:
- Christine suggested that we needed to tidy up the village if we wanted to encourage more visitors. She offered to deliver a letter to every business encouraging them to make the exterior of their premises as clean, tidy, litter free and welcoming as possible, particularly with regard to cigarette butts and other litter. Pauline has written the letter.
- Christine to deliver letter to businesses
4. West Byfleet Festival – 2103
Pauline has started work on the event but we need confirmation of the route of the cycle race through Surrey proposed by Boris Johnson before we can confirm the date ; currently working on the last weekend in July or first in August. She has provisionally booked Beach’s Fairground for those weekends and started discussions regarding live music on the Friday night. Mark Fuller is purchasing the domain name, westbyfleetlive.org. Riette Thomas , Project Manager for Celebrate Woking has offered to help , although it is unlikely there will be any council funding. Ron advised that we will need Public Liability Indemnity Insurance, expert help with Health & Safety and questioned if it was the role of the Business Association to run a community event. Pauline has an events company which could be the holding company to organise the event. She will discuss these issues with Riette and seek professional advice.
- Pauline to talk to Riette Thomas.
A small working party is required to make this happen, so volunteers please!
- Volunteers to help with planning next year’s event.
Christine was thanked for organising the working party to wash the walls of the subway and paint anti-graffiti paint , paid for by Woking Borough Council, over the new artwork, aided by Corkers who provided the water . A team effort!
5. Website
Mark Fuller reported that he posts the minutes on the website.
John informed the meeting that his company wants to devote a full page to West Byfleet in the forthcoming Woking Means Business magazine for the exhibition on October 10th. He NEEDS articles and stories AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, 200-300 words please send these to amber employment
- Everyone to send contributions, stories, articles etc. to amber employment
6. Christmas 2012
The meeting thought it would be good to do something again this year similar to last year but start earlier – 3.30 pm with a couple of children’s rides , a few extra stalls, carols sung by the local school and end about 6.30pm. We will also have individual Christmas trees outside shops and she asked John Morrison to liaise with Oliver as they were so successful last year. The proposed date is Thursday December 6th – traditional late night shopping.
It was suggested that a small group be formed who can communicate via email
- John M and Oliver to look at Christmas trees.
- Pauline to talk to school and arrange sub-group.
7. Membership
Ron reported he had some subscriptions but several members said they had not received his email and he promised to re-send it. Pauline was visiting shops and getting some new members.
Waitrose have anew display board which members can use to advertise their events/promotions etc. Christine M offered to keep an eye on the 3 public notice boards re-furbished by the Residents Association. The RA had promised to do that but it will be good to have another person looking after them as well and she was thanked for the generous offer.
- Ron to issue membership receipts.
8. Woking Chamber
Woking Chamber had been unable to attend but would make every effort to attend in future. Catherine offered to talk to Paul Webster about a stand for WBBA at the Woking Means Business Exhibition on October 10th.
- Ron to issue membership receipts.
- Catherine to talk to Paul Webster.
9. AOB
1. Geoff McManus explained that parking income in the village was about equal to the costs of providing parking and manning it but he would look into the possibility of providing the first hour free. Christine M had produced a list of issues , attached to these minutes, and everyone was asked to look at them and select their top 4 issues. More spaces for staff parking are needed to prevent staff taking customer spaces and to encourage turnover of spaces and it was also suggested that we consider a discount voucher scheme . It was decided we would arrange an evening meeting and invite everyone to discuss these issues and invite Geoff to return to address the meeting.
2. Pauline reminded the meeting that Woking Borough Council would be holding another Business Rate Payers meeting on October 10th – more details to follow.
3. The meeting congratulated Brad when he reported that he had raised £3,600 for Sam Beare Hospice at David Lloyd sports centre with a cake sale, raffle and book sale.
4. Heather Forster’s was running a charity raffle with a life size cardboard model of Tom Daley.
5. The issue of speed traps in Pyrford Road was raised and it was suggested that this be raised at the next Panel Meeting. Details attached.
10. ALL to look at attached and reply to Pauline who will arrange an evening meeting, with Christine M’s help.
10. Dates of Next Meeting
7.30am Thursday October 4that Corkers Wine Bar.
The meeting closed at 8.55am with thanks to Corkers Wine Bar.